Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sæll fjölskylda og Internet

Sæll, because the internet is a male.

I got my host family about a week or less ago, and at first, to be COMPLETELY honest, I was kinda bummed. I would be living in Borgarnes which is in Borgarbyggð, a municipality of about 3000 people. I wasn't excited because:
1) It wasn't Reykjavik
2) The town was tiny (smaller than my town of Fredericksburg)

But I got over it. What helped me?

When I visited Canada one year with my family (my mother is from Alberta), we were visiting my mother's sister in Legal (Alberta), which happens to have about 500 people, unbeknownst to me until about half a week ago. I stayed there with my aunt and uncle for 2 weeks while my parents drove around (I was absolutely sick of driving). I had a great time, and I didn't even know how small it was.

So anyways, Borgarnes is about 6 times bigger than Legal, so I should be content.

My host family is a little bit older than my bio family, and they have 3 fully grown daughters (possibly with grandchildren?). My host father is a milktruck driver. Which is kind of awesome.

Here's a picture of Borgranes. It's on a peninsula, so that means I get to see the sea every day! Score!
Iceland is looking better, and Ég er að læra Íslensku smátt og smátt (I am learning Icelandic gradually). And I promise, mun Ég læra Íslensku (I will learn Icelandic)!

Thanks for reading! Keep in touch.

Takk fyrir, bless bless.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aaron,
    Just thought we'd wish you a very safe & awesome trip!! We're looking forward to seeing photos & following you on your big journey.
    I still remember when you came to Legal to visit us. We really enjoyed having you. I remember how much you enjoyed swimming in the pool across the street.
    Take care & good luck,
    Uncle Terry & Auntie Christine
